Friday, April 6, 2012

Christmas on Good Friday

I started a Christmas tree skirt about 4 years ago and this past November/December, I pulled it out determined to get it done. But, as it sat "seasoning", several of the pattern pieces went missing! I could have sworn that they had all been cut and were ready to go, but alas - no where to be found!

So, what to do? I thought I had enough fabric to re-cut pieces, so off to the stores I went to hunt down another pattern.  Just to let you know, that particular Simplicity pattern is no longer in publication.

Several ladies I sew with suggested tracing already finished pieces to make templates, etc.....but really, how fun is that. In discouragement, I put it aside. 

But, I KNEW that I had to have those pieces SOMEWHERE, so at the start of my Christmas break I did a little digging, and sure enough, they had fallen off of their designated pile onto the floor and behind several fabric bins. 

I was able to finish the 4 remaining pinwheel blocks during my vacation, and then when school started back up, my sewing mojo went on hiatus. (this is the first time I have touched my sewing machine since then!)

Well, ladies and gents, here it is!
Christmas tree skirt - prior to adding fusible batting.
sorry for the blurry picture, took with my phone's camera
The one half has been sewn together and the fusible batting fused on. I had to cut the batting and do all of the ironing on the floor, 'cause this thing is huge!

Here's a closer look at the fabrics - ignore the wrinkles please! Note, this picture was taken 12/15/08!!
I'd like to think that I will actually finish this before Christmas of 2012, but we shall see. Just happy I got this far!

Well, thanks for stopping by!

Do come again, even if I have turned into a terrible blogger and rarely post anything anymore!

Have a Blessed Easter, and Take Care - Elizabeth


Diana LaMarre said...

It is beautiful. I bet you will get it finished for Christmas 2012!

Shirley said...

I love the tree skirt Elizabeth, very pretty. I hope you can get it finished soon. And you're a knitter and do crochet too! I'm trying to get back to those myself. I used to crochet a lot. But I haven't done it for years. Now I belong to a group that makes prayer shawls so I'm getting back to knitting. The dishcloths are beautiful.