"Rat's knees, and elephant's toes!!"
(a saying in a book that I read along time ago -
my Dad and I use it when things go awry)
Well, it's official. I have to have back surgery #2.
The first suggestion was to do an injection of steroids directly into the disk to see if it would take the inflammation down. Then, I met with the surgeon. He put my X-ray's up and said, "Do you see this black line running here on your vertebrae, that is a fracture". A fracture???
The Dr. explained that many things could have caused it, but due to my last surgery, more stress was put on that vertebrae causing it fracture further.
I guess that explains the REALLY numb leg and foot, along with the not so pleasant pain. Thankfully, this bout has not been nearly as painful as prior to my first surgery. I suppose I could survive awhile without the surgery, but I am afraid of permanent nerve damage and always having a numb leg and foot. It makes walking interesting as your never quite sure where and what your foot is landing on.
So in 2 weeks, I go in for about a 3 hr. surgery, where they are going to remove the bad disc, put in a spacer, and screw/fuse the bottom 2 vertebrae together. Sounds like fun?!?! That should take care of the numbness and pain --how wonderful that will be!
The unfortunate thing is that I will be out of work for a minimum of 8 weeks. The Dr. was very adamant about the "minimum" part.
What a wonderful thing to go and tell your new employer that they need to find a long term music sub!! Not pleasant and not my idea of making a good impression.
Well, I will be very busy in the next few days trying to get my house ready, and school things in order. The nice thing about being home for 8 weeks is that I will have a lot of internet time, and I will hopefully be up to doing something crafty at some point.
Well take care all and thanks for stopping by. Maybe some day I'll actually have some pictures to post!! - Elizabeth
Ps. my Preschoolers love Mozart Mouse and Beethoven Bear! It is so fun to watch them interact with them - hugs are definitely not scarce!! :)